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Canadians form giant 7 to promote Bay of Fundy in global New7Wonders of Nature quest

Saint John, NB, June 29, 2011 – Hundreds of people gathered on the Saint John waterfront today to form a giant human 7 to encourage Canadians to vote for Canada’s Bay of Fundy in the New7Wonders of Nature competition.

Swiss-based New7Wonders Foundation representatives lead Giant 7 on Saint John waterfront

Media Advisory What: Bernard Weber and Jean-Paul de la Fuente of the New7Wonders Foundation will fly from Switzerland to lead a group of 777 people to form a giant human 7 on the Saint John waterfront.

Wählen Sie jetzt: Bay of Fundy unter den Finalisten für die „7 New Wonders of Nature“

Die 290 km lange Bay of Fundy, ein einzigartiges Ökosystem, das New Brunwick von Nova Scotia trennt, ist als Finalist für die „New 7 Wonders of Nature“ nominiert worden.

Giant human 7 slated for Saint John waterfront to celebrate Canada’s Bay of Fundy

June 15, 2011 Saint John, NB — Hundreds of Bay of Fundy supporters will form a human “7” on the Saint John waterfront June 29 to show their support for Canada’s Bay of Fundy in the global New7Wonders of Nature …

Recognize the Bay of Fundy on World Oceans Day

Canadians encouraged to support Bay of Fundy in global New7Wonders of Nature campaign June 7, 2011, Parrsboro, Nova Scotia – All Canadians have the opportunity to support the Bay of Fundy on a very special day, June 8, World Oceans …


March 2, 2011, OTTAWA, ON – Today Greg Kerr, Member of Parliament for West Nova, made a statement in the House of Commons as part of an ongoing effort to get out the vote for the Bay of Fundy in …

National campaign launched to vote Bay of Fundy as one of New7Wonders

February 24, 2011, TORONTO (CNB) – The national campaign to encourage all Canadians to vote for the Bay of Fundy, Canada’s only finalist in the global campaign to declare the New7Wonders of nature, was officially launched today in Toronto.

Bay of Fundy Launches Text Voting in New7Wonders Campaign at Canada Games

February 17, 2011, Halifax, NS – The Bay of Fundy Tourism launched text voting in its New7Wonders of Nature campaign today, February 17, at the 2011 Halifax Canada Games.

Premiers Dexter, Alward to Promote Bay of Fundy at Opening Ceremony

ISSUED FROM THE PREMIER OF NOVA SCOTIA’S OFFICE February 11, 2011, Halifax, NS – As visitors from across the country arrived for the opening of the 2011 Halifax Canada Games, Premier Darrell Dexter and New Brunswick Premier David Alward encouraged …

Canada and Australia Partner in New7Wonders Campaign

January 26, 2011, Parrsboro, Nova Scotia – Bay of Fundy Tourism is excited to announce that Canada and Australia are joining forces in the global New7Wonders of Nature Campaign.  New Brunswick and Nova Scotia’s Bay of Fundy is Canada’s sole …